大规模电影的新功能PPT 2010电影节演讲视频(Video)
低碳与气候变化视频(Video) 阿丘、崔永元报道电影课视频(Video)
Developing Extensively the New Functions of Film: Increase the Students' learning interests
Speaker: Mr. Lei Zhenxiao, professor of Hunan university and the secretary general and general executive director of the Film Education Council of the China Education Technology Association
相关资料: 在本次举办的主论坛和两个分论坛上,来自美国、韩国、港、澳、台及各省市的15位嘉宾以及100多位来自教育界、电影界、文化界的代表参加了这次以“电影与青少年的快乐成长”为主题的国际论坛。 相关链接: 北青网:电影节论坛嘉宾雷祯孝简历及演讲摘要
Speakers and Topocs
Digital Youth Filmmaking in the 21st Century
发言人:美国洛杉矶国际家庭电影节创始人兼执行主度、演员、导演 克里斯·舒梅克(美)
Speaker: Mr. Chris A. Shoemaker is an American actor and director, as well as the founder and the executive director of the International Family film festival (IFFF) holding annually in Los Angles, CA.
New Expressing Ways and the Cultural Creations in the Youth Film
发言人:韩国首尔国际青年电影节主度,电影媒介素养教育专家 金鐘玄
Speaker: KIM Jong Hyun, the Festival Director of the Seoul International Youth Film Festival and the expert of the Visual Arts Media Education
利用影视产业优势,抓好青少年电影, 推动怀柔文化产业发展(右)
Producing Quality Youth Films, Enhancing the Development of the Huairou Culture Industry by Taking Advantages of the Digital Production Base of China Film Group in Huairou Distrect.
发言人: 北京怀柔影视基地管理服务中心副主任 高建军
Speaker: Mr. Gao Jianjun, executive director of the Services Managing Center, Digital Production Base of China Film Group in Huairou.
Cultivation the Creativity Talent for the Youth Film
发言人:香港浸会大学副教授,电影电视系主任,南加州大学电影艺术硕士,香港浸会大学电影哲学博士 卓伯棠
Speaker: Dr. CHEUK Pak Tong is the Head and Associate Professor of the Department of Cinema & Television in Hong Kong Baptist University, the Cinema MFA of the University of Southern California, and the Cinema Ph. D of the Hong Kong Baptist University.
The International Stage for the Chinese Youth Film
发言人:中华爱子应试教育促进会会长,北京电影学院图书馆长 刘军
Speaker: Liujun, President of the China Aizi Movie and Television Education Council and the Director of the Beijing Film Academy Library
Visual Communication: A Critical Skill In The 21st Century
Speaker: Dr. Susanne Shoemaker is the co-founder of the nternational Family Film Festival (IFFF) in Los Angeles, CA, the president of the Freshi Films, LLC, and gained her Doctorate degree from the university of California at Berkeley.
Serving for the Youth, Serving for All of the Human Being
Speaker: Cai An' an, the director of Chinese Film Association, the president fo Macao Film Association, the president of Choi Brothers' Film Cormpany
The Youth Film is not only the Film, but also An Important Part of the Entertainment Industry
Speaker: Mr. LEE Tain-Dow, the professor at the Graduate School of Communication Design, University of Shih Chien, Taipei, Taiwan, the founder of the Research Institute for Media Technology and Creative Industries, Taipei, the visiting professor of the Department of Sociology, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom, and the Board Chairman of the communication Arts Research Institute, Taipei
The Early Practise of Chinese Film Industry for Youth's Welfare
Speaker: The photographer retired from Beijing Film Academy and the scholar of the History of the Chinese Film Higher Education中国青少年受众与中国电影市场培育研究报告(左)
Research Report on the Chinese Youth Audiences and the Cultivation of the Chinese Film Market
Speaker: Ms. Nong Miaomiao, documentary director, MFA in Directing from Beijing Film Academy
New Opportunities of the Youth Film Industry in the Network Times
Speaker: Dr. Zou Fang, the Professor and Master Instructor of the Department of Journalism and Communication, the School of culture and Law of Tianjin Polytechnic University, the Director of the Film and Television Institute of the China Higher Education School, the Executive Director of the legal Literary Research of the China Law Society, and the members of the Tianjin Writers Association
Cultivation the Image Narrative Talent in the Elementary and Middle School
发言人:孟中, 北京电影学院文学系剧作专业讲师,北京电影学院电影艺术创作理论向博士
Speaker: Dr. Mengzhong, the professor of the Scriptwriting Department of Beijing Film Academy and the Doctor of Theories of the Film Artistic Creating Literature graduating from Beijing Film Academy.
论坛现场 会后交流 会后合影
雷祯孝教授与舒梅克夫妇合影 影星苗苗还是那么年轻 孙老和雷氏父子