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Film course

时间:2009-09-02 11:50来源:电影课 作者:电影课 点击:
Film course Reading ten thousand books and watching ten thousand films on the way of ten thousand miles of journey! Film course is all round introduced in the curriculum of China! Every lesson of each subject can be matched with the same s

Film course

Reading ten thousand books
and watching ten thousand films
on the way of ten thousand miles of journey!

Film course is all round introduced
in the curriculum of China!

Every lesson of each subject can be matched
with the same subject of film excepting of math,

physics and chemistry with the reference
of biography film on scientists.

The database of the film course library is built up based
on repeated selections from world film archives.

Farewell to old age of curriculum dominated by the books!
Embracing with age of new curriculum integrated
with interactive course, traditional course and film course!

Welcome to visit film course web site:
Please contact with us: E-mail address:





Film is 104 years old. Up to now, 220,000 titles covering every aspect of the world have been produced. Some of these films have been regarded as classical, enduring masterpieces. These films should be viewed at least for one time by each generation of our children. One good film can exert influence on one whole life. As only 3 to 5 poems are chosen for children textbooks from thousands of poems written by Li Bali (a well-known Chinese great poet), we intend to select 500 excellent films for our film course and try to carry out this experiment in China.

The implementation of film course is fully supported by Sun chime Movie Collection sponsored by China Youth Development Foundation. The aim of Sun chime Movie Collection is to "present all the best films in the world to our children" and "let our children select the best films in the world". On the basis of film course conducted in one primary school in summer of 1995, one 


↑Lei ZhenXiao



↑The board of Film Course in discussion

From left to right:
Lei Zhenxiao: Director of Sun chime Research Center, Expert in Elite Study
Sun Wenhua: Researcher, Chairman of Executive Council of Chinese Culture Academy
Song Chengdong: Counselor, Director of National Audio-Video Teaching Aid Center under the Ministry of Education
Xu Yongguang: Director, General Secretary of China Youth Development Foundation
Chen Qinggui: Instructor, Basic Education Research Office, National Audio-Video Teaching Aid Center under the Ministry of Education research project named film experimental course for primary school students has been carried out. This project has been supported by National Audio-Video Teaching Aid Center under the Ministry of Education. 77,728 students and 4,144 teachers in 56 experimental schools have participated in this research project. These schools locate in 14 provinces and autonomous regions throughout China.

500 excellent films in 36 categories, which are selected from more than 5,000 films suitable for children reviewing, are shown in experimental schools. Students, teachers, parents as well as government authority concerned have shown great interest in this experiment. In order to evaluate the results of experiment scientifically, the project team invites experts from Institute of Psychology, China Academy of Science and National Research Center of Educational Science to evaluate this project. The results of questionnaire and analysis as well as positive responses directly from schools indicate that film course has improved study quality of each subject in the schools and increased all round quality of students. The project is just unfolding and will become popular in schools. We are informed that never has any other country selected films for students on such a large scale, or conducted such a large scale of film course experimental project. It is expected that film course be one of the best gifts for our next generation at the beginning of the new millennium.

To provide the most creative works of human being to our children is a common mission of all educators and is also an advanced means of education. We feel obliged to provide children the most creative works so that they could avoid negative influences from inferior ones.



 China Daily 2005.9.20.14 FEATURES
"Seeing is learning"
Wu Jiao 2005-09-20 06:42

A large scale of experiment----Film course
Leading films to education


 ↑All of The Children Watching Films 

Good films are valuable resources. One legend story tells that a man happens to drink life water in the forest and turns young suddenly. He returns village and asks people to carry the water into village with bamboo pipes so that everyone in the village could drink the water and become young. This is called sharing resource. Textbooks are compiled with excellent articles of the world, and science textbooks include the great discoveries and inventions in each scientific field. It is necessary to take initiative in providing films to our children and compiling film course eventually in order to fulfill missions of education in history.
How films in film course are selected?    
Please refer to the comment on our selection given by Film & Television Programs Coordination Committee for Students of Primary and Middle School under the Ministry of Education, The Ministry of Culture and State Administration of Radio, Film & TV as follows:
To: Sun chime Movie Collection Research Team
As per the request of Madame Yi LAN, your team provided us 21 different titles of film screening tapes on dogs with data of survey of experimental schools. Thank you for your great support for our research. We believe the methods and procedure of selecting good films by Film Course Research Team are valid and creative. You have selected 21 films from 328 different titles of films on dog produced by many countries of the world and send them to 28 experimental schools for 35,000 students reviewing. Experts have evaluated film course based on the data -collected directly from student's comments on the films. Results of this research would improve the production quality of children films as well distribution systems in China. We are appreciated what you have done and consider most of the films you provide us are excellent ones which reflect your aim to present all the best films in the world to our children. We think these films are very good for children development because they are suitable for children interests with healthy and attractive content.
After years of hard work, film course project has been recognized more and more by a wide variety of people. Not only teachers but also parents agree that film course is a useful means to enlarge the scope of students? Knowledge. By seeing films from different countries, students have an access to different cultures in the world. With the spread of film course in more areas in China, more and more children, including those in remote and poverty stricken areas will benefit from this project

From left to right:
●Lei Zhenxiao: Director of Sun chime Research Center, Expert in Elite Study
●Sun Wenhua: Researcher, Chairman of Executive Council of Chinese Culture Academy
●Song Chengdong: Counselor, Director of National Audio-Video Teaching Aid
Center under the Ministry of Education
●Xu Yongguang: Director, General Secretary of China Youth Development
●Chen Qinggui: Instructor, Basic Education Research Office, National
Audio-Video Teaching Aid Center under the Ministry of Education


↑Urgly duck in modern time 



↑Simbar's pride





















↑Shi Jiannong 


Either because of the sparseness of cultural life of the time when I was young, or because of the great influence of films on children, the films I saw twenty five years ago left me a deep impression. It was very normal for my peers and I to walk several kilometers from one village to another to see a film. Several kilometers may not be too much for an adult, but it is a long way for an 8- or 9-year-old child. It is a challenge for a child of that age to walk several kilometers unless he is strongly motivated. Because of shortage of film copies at that time, reels of one film were shared among several villages and shown in the open air. In order to have a film shown in different villages at the same time, people had to send a copy from one village to another on foot. Children followed the film projecting team from one village to another so as to have more chances to enjoy movies. Sometimes, we had to walk more than ten kilometers in one evening or over a night. It seems incredible today for children to walk several kilometers only to see a film repeatedly, but it was very common for children in remote villages of China in 1970s.

Several years later when I grew up, I have learned that people spend a lot of money, time and effort in producing a film. Sometimes, movie artists have to devote their lives to it. It made me cherish movies and cinematic more than before. In the meantime, I wonder: "Why do people spend so much time and money in producing films? Why are children so fond of seeing films? What can they benefit from seeing films?..."
Never have I expected that now I have the chance to combine my interest in film with my research. In recent years, I have carried out some research on film and its influence on children.


Film course and EBHN

In recent years, Education Based on Human Nature (EBHN) (called Quality Education or Essential Quality Education) has spread out in nationwide or worldwide scope.

What does EBHN (Education Based on Human Nature) mean? In our opinion, the EBHN is an educational intervention based on human nature. The purpose is to cultivate and keep appropriate behaviors or traits of human being. In order to understand the definition of EBHN, we need to clarify what human nature or essential trait is.

Human being has three features: a) he is a biological individual with physiological features; b) he is a mental individual with intellectual features; c) he is a social individual with social features (Shi & Xu, 1999). These three features are organically integrated. The relations among them are illustrated in figure 1.





According to structure of human nature, Education Based on Human Nature includes three main aspects: physical education, mental education, and social education. Each aspect consists of several sub-categories. Physical education includes knowledge about genetics and eugenics, nutrition, physical development, physical exercise or training, etc. The society or educational system should provide enough facilities or equipment and arrange enough time for children to do exercise. In mental education, human cognition, emotion, personality, perseverance, and other psychological aspects should be concerned. In social education, self-consciousness, social morality, law and so on should be focused on. The structure of EBHN is illustrated in fig.2. 




It is known that rich stimulus environment is helpful to children's socialization. Nowadays, as one-child family becomes more and more popular in China, problems occur in one-child families. More and more children have problems in adjusting to society as a result of superior living conditions, parents' over-protection, and lacking of sibling experience. These problems have aroused great attention of the society. Government, sociologists, psychologists, educators, and parents have deeply concerned with the problems caused by one-child family.
Film has a unique advantage in enriching children life experience and improving their adjustment ability. Children can gain experience of different time, social background, cultures from films. Through seeing different films, children can understand lives, feelings, activities, and situations of different roles. All of these are good for the development of children.
In addition, as a multimedia, movie brings children multi-channel stimulus, and make them deeply aroused. In fact, children are very excited and happy when they take film course. Sometimes they insist on going to school to see a film even though they are in a fever.
The relationship between movie's influence on children and EBHN is illustrated in figure 3. 





From Fig.3, we can see that the movies can affect not only children's socialization, but also incensement of their knowledge, values toward world and life, independence, perseverance, and interest in physical exercise. Only excellent or highly qualified films can positively influence child development.
In order to give our children favorable education, Film Course Research Team, in coordinating with Sunchime Audio & Video CD-ROM Software Rental Chain Inc., selected 500 excellent films for children from thousands of films all over the world. They are films on science, history, environment protection, culture, geography and so on. For detailed information, see our appendix.

Film course and children's values

In present project, more than 50 primary schools have been chosen as our experimental schools. Each of them obtains copies of 500 films from the research project. Every week, one or two classes are arranged for students to see films. Each class lasts one or one and a half hours. (Sometimes it lasts two hours, depending on the length of the film). One or two teachers are assigned as film course teachers to organize students to see films. Students can discuss with each other on a film or write what they have learned from the film after they see it. The difference between film course and other course is that in


↑Students engoying film


film course, there is no assignment or exam after class. Students are encouraged to write down their comments on films. There is no requirement on their writings. They can write a whole page or just a sentence. (For example, "I felt very happy after I saw the film."). And they can also write pages of new scripts for the cartoons they have seen. Any of children's comments have received positive response from their teachers.
To investigate influences of film course on children's development, researchers have compared children in experimental with non-experimental schools in such aspects as their values toward world, life and career, reasons of choosing their schools. In present study, more than 800 students

in Grade Two to Grade Five were asked to fill questionnaires. Half of them are from experimental schools and half from non-experimental ones in the same region. Items of the questionnaire include school performances, their favorite careers, people they admire most, places they like best, reasons why they choose the schools, the course they are most interested in, and so on.
In the following paragraphs, we would like to present the results of "people I admire most", "my favorable career" and "reasons I choose this school".

"People I admire most"
People children admire most are models in their mind. Children also try to follow them in their life.

To find out that children admire most, students were asked to list them in an open questionnaire. The results are listed in table 1.

From table 1, we can see that the top five rated by students in experimental schools are politicians, movie stars, scientists, father, and sports stars respectively. But the top five for students in non-experimental schools are mother, father, teacher, classmates, and political leaders respectively. The results in the table 1 indicate that experimental and non-experimental students differ in whom they admire most
Students in experimental schools have more chances to see films and know more famous persons, such as movie stars, sports stars, scientists, and political leaders. These famous persons can leave a very deep impression in their mind and exert a great influence on their outlook. Compared to those in experimental schools, students in non-experimental schools have less influence from films and they are more influenced by their parents, teachers, and classmates. It seems reasonable that people whom they admire most are parents,teacher, and classmates. Teachers are listed as one of top five by

students both in experimental and non-experimental schools, but the order is different. In general, teachers are listed in the fifth place in experimental schools, but in the first place in non-experimental schools.


Ideal careers
The students' career preference reflects their career interests and the goal of their effort. We asked students to select their most favorable career from a list of careers. They can also write down their own most favorable careers in blanks, if they are not in the list. The results are presented in table 2.




From table 2, we can see that in experimental schools, the top 1 to 5 most favorable careers listed by students are scientists, artists, policemen, sports stars, and movie stars, while for those in non-experimental schools, the top 1 to 5 are artists, policemen, sports stars, scientists, and medical doctors. Seen from what are listed, the most favorable careers are similar for students in experimental and non-experimental schools, but the order is different. In order to find out students' reasons of choosing schools, we asked students to write down three main reasons. The results are listed in table 3.
From table 3, we can see that students have common reasons in choosing schools both in experimental and non-experimental schools. These reasons include "good environment", "high educational quality", "good teachers", and "friendship". But the fifth reason of experimental school students' is "film course" while the fifth reason of non-experimental school students' is "key school"(see table 3).



The data collected in present study are not fully analyzed up to now. In general, we find that children in similar age are similar in people they admire most, most favorable careers, and reasons of choosing the schools, as well as values toward world and life. However, there are some differences between experimental school students and non-experimental school students in some aspects. Based on our findings, we conclude that film course does have influence on children's development in some degree.







↑Wang Liuyi 

I The Concept of Film Course

Film course is a course to provide students with films appropriate to their age so that they could appreciate excellent films in primary schools. Experts both in film and educational fields have taken part in the whole process of selecting films, collecting students' comments on films, analyzing information gathered as well as making reference to the syllabus promulgated by the Ministry of Education. The selected films vary in artistic forms, motifs and national styles.
Forms of film course are flexible. In general, in every class, teachers organize students to see one film. After that, there will be a discussion among students and teachers about the film and teachers will give some suggestions on how to appreciate the film. There are no assignments or exams in this course.

II Purposes of the Project

It is our aim to investigate, analyze, study and verify the effect of the whole collection of films consisting of 500 films in 36 categories. In specific, our purposes are:
1. To enrich educational resources in primary schools
2. To testify the effect and necessity of setting up film course in elementary schools
3. To make an investigation of influence of film course on children's learning ability, moral development, sociability, etc.
4. To train key staff members to carry out and monitor our project and share the experience in a nationwide scope.

III Guidelines of Selecting Films

1. Content of films: to selected films is to meet needs of students in different age group with proper arrangement. Films vary in content according to students' age levels.

2. Length of films: in general, length of films is restricted from 60 to 90 minutes according to the attention span of children in different age groups. Generally speaking, a film for children of grade 1-2 should be limited to 60 minutes while children in grade 3-4, 70-80 minutes and in grade 5-6, about 90 minutes.
3.Upgrading of films: the total number of films for children in our collection is fixed. Once or twice in every other year, new films are added to replace some old ones. Such replacement can always provide children the most update films while keep essential and classical ones for them.

IV Implementation of Film Course

Our film course is a long-time project of 6 years. In together, 56 schools in China have been chosen as voluntary experimental units. Each school set up a team working under the guidance of specialists in charge of the project. Film course has been included in the normal teaching activities in the schools. Within one school year, 80 films have been shown, 2 films per week on average. In six years, 500 films will be shown to students. In each class, specific films are shown and teachers hold discussions afterward.
Experts are invited to evaluate the middle term results of film course in 32 experimental schools. Survey indicates that most of schools are willing to include film course in their curriculum. 97% of the schools have included film course in their curriculum and 3% the schools have set up film course on weekends as well as holidays.

Fund of Film Course

The fund of experimental film course of 32 schools are collected through the following channels:Mainly, the fund is supplied by schools themselves. 25 schools, which occupy 78% of all the schools directly, provide


↑Simbar's pride   
in 35% of the experimental schools, students and their parents pay the fee in different ways. For example, 10 schools charge the students of the fee as part of tuition. 3% of the experimental schools buy the membership cards to rent film on VCD. The third channel of fund is allocation. 9.4% of the school are allocated to fund. 9 schools collect the fees through two or three channels mentioned above. These schools occupy 28% of all the schools.

Equipment for Film Course

The students in 22 schools, which occupy 69% of all, watch film through school cable TV. The rest of schools organize their students to watch films through TV projection and videotape recorders.

Numbers of Films Viewed by Students

The average number of films, which students viewed, is 92 titles according to the survey of the 32 schools. The maximum of films, which students viewed, is 420 titles and the minimum is 20. In one semester, students viewed 40 titles on average.
In addition, we have organized Summer Film Camp. Ten excellent experimental schools are chosen and student representatives of these schools are sent to the camp. Chinese famous artists and officials of the Ministry of Education awarded these students prizes in the camp.
Influence on Children
The students have warmly welcomed film course. For example, students of experimental schools in Zhejiang province counted on the days before films are shown in their schools. They were eager to watch new films while hoped to enjoy good films again. The students of experimental schools in Hubei province crowded in the classroom to enjoy films. More than three hundred principals in Shandong province attended lectures on film course and one official in charge of education couldn't help saying that his educational attitude was changed in some de
gree after hearing the lecture. Parents of students tried to send their children to experimental schools with film course in Hunan and Shandong province. Several schools held film festivals in their campus. In Henan province, parents informed teachers they were happy to find their children show more concern to others. In poor stricken areas such as Guizhou province, the head of village required not only students but also the whole village to enjoy the donated films. Just like sowing seeds, film course is supposed to be held in schools of every country and city of Hubei province. The film experimental course will achieve fruitful results in China.


↑Take a picture with old famous film actors   




36 categories of films in film course
1. Cartoon series on myth
2. Cartoon series on children's tales
3. Cartoon series on parables or fables
4. Cartoon series on animal tales
5. Cartoon series on fiction and adventures
6. Cartoon series on great men in the world
7. Cartoon series on clever children
8. Cartoon series of live action-animation
9. Series of scientific documentaries on evolution of
the universe
10. Series of documentaries on animals and plants
11. Series of documentaries on life sciences
12. Series of documentaries on different countries in
the world
13. Series of documentaries on beautiful China
14. Series of documentaries on champions in the world
15. Series of episodes on magic, circus, mummery and
16. Film series on popular science and scientific discov-
eries and inventions
17. Music films in the world
18. Comedies in the world
19. Feature films on myth and legend in the world
20. Feature films on children's tales in the world
21. Feature films on children's adventures in the world
22. Detective films in the world
23. Films on family and school life
24. Feature films on scientific fiction and fantasy
25. Feature film series on relationship between ani
mals and human beings
26. Feature films on growing children
27. Feature films on folk tales
28. Feature films on crimes and martial art
29. Feature films on children and society
30. Feature films on children from different races and
31. Feature films on adventures and travelling in the
32. Feature films on wars and heroes
33. Biography films of great scientists and artists
34. Biography films of great politician and strategists
35. Feature films based on adapted literature works
36. Feature films on great events in the world history
